Washington DC Bucket List

Capitol Visit Washington D.C.

We found out DC is our home for the foreseeable future and could not be more excited to create a Washington DC Bucket List.  We are finding our groove and settling in to a DC rhythm.  Once we were able to take a beat from work/ life; we sat down and created an overall list of things to do in DC.  The list seems to continue to grow as we talk to people.  Dustin recently went mountain biking in Maryland with a work colleague; which was not on the initial list.  (And he didn’t take any pictures at all or post to social media, so did it really happen?)

We have done quite a few things already so the typical things you might see on here (National Portrait Gallery, the Capital, the White House, Holocaust Museum/ Memorial, etc) are not on this list. Check out our blog posts to see more about those things.

Anyway.  Here is the list we have so far.

Washington DC Bucket List

Hikes/Parks/Water Activities:


Day Trips/ Weekend Trips:



So that is where we are at with this list.  I am excited to create our DC food bucket list now.  If you have suggestions to either, please let us know!

Washington DC Bucket List


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