DC Street Festival: Streetfest Noma

Happy Weekend!  It has been officially a month since I have been here in DC and almost 2 months for Dustin.  I cannot believe it, and time is flying too fast.  May is set to be a fun and busy time.  We have some friends coming to visit and stay with us, so Dustin and I have really decided to explore as much as we can to show our friends around.  Most importantly we are making sure to nail down some solid food choices for them to be able to try.

A couple weekends ago there was a fun thing happening close to us in the Union Market area called Street Fest.  It was a DC Street Festival to highlight this area that is quickly being developed.  From live music, yoga, pop up shops, plant vendors, and yummy food; StreetFest had a little bit of everything.

DC Street Festival: Streetfest NOMA

DC Street Festival

We walked and every corner seemed to have some interesting and sometimes random things.  A stage of salsa dancers was one of the more unexpected moments.  Hats off to them since it was very windy and my hips don’t move that way anymore.

I also left with some plant babies since our apartment has a balcony.  (The balcony was an unexpected surprise, as we didn’t think we had one until Dustin arrived to move in.  Pretty cool since it adds about 50 sq feet of living space to our 495 sq ft apartment…)

One of my favorite finds was this local art vendor.  I almost came home with a couple pieces, but left with only a gift for my parents.  I loved this one in particular (below).

We did make our way to the Dupont Circle Area and I am going to be honest… we brunched hard at Scion Restaurant.  Minus the alcohol.  I left with a solid food baby and a need to walk off the 10,000 calories I consumed.  Breakfast nachos (bacon on the side): check.  Crabcake Eggs Benedict: Check.  Coffee: Check. But there was an all you can eat fresh fruit bar, so I ate some healthy things.

We finished out our time of exploring with a trip to the National Geographic Museum to see the Tomb of Christ exhibit.  While it cool, it was not $15 per ticket cool.  With so many free things to do in DC, we would pass if we could do it again.

Hope you are having a fun winter… I mean spring so far.  We keep hearing it is coming so fingers crossed.  With spring I hope comes more DC Street Festival!



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One Reply to “DC Street Festival: Streetfest Noma”

  1. Enjoyed reading your blog!!! Looks like a LOT of interesting things to see and do there!! Hope we can come visit before to long. Love and Miss you both!!! mom

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