DC, Spring, Museums Oh My

I feel like no matter how much we see in DC, we still have barely scratched the surface.  I am so glad it is finally feeling warmer here, however, it seems to be warming up quicker than I would like.  Soon it will be so hot that we will have to make sure our “adventures” include anything inside with air conditioning.

A couple of weekends ago we went to the National Museum of the American Indian and the Renwick Art Museum.  The American Indian Museum was very interesting and well done.   As a person who went to school for Interior Design, I really appreciated the building and the exhibit design.  The artifacts and information was so interesting and a total yes in the Davis book.  We are excited to bring friends to this museum in the future.

The Renwick Museum was…interesting.  I had wanted to see an exhibit called No Spectators: The Art of Burning Man, so we headed down the National Mall.  I have had a friend attend Burning Man so I was eager to see a part of it.  I will say it was definitely a unique exhibit, and some of the pieces were very beautiful.  The exhibit might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but I am glad we went.

We had been in search of a Washington Nationals baseball hat all day for Dustin.  He had been wanting one for a few weeks now, and it was surprising to figure out that finding one was gong to be like a scavenger hunt with Google Maps.  After the Renwick we continued out search for his hat, and stumbled upon the White House and a really good hot chocolate place Cafe Chocolat.  (It is no Angelina’s in Paris, but I recommend it.)

We are hoping to explore the city more and more now that we are getting used to living here.  We are starting to understand how to get around, understand the rules, and learn the neighborhoods.  Excited to learn more about this beautiful city!


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