Springtime in DC: Long Walks & Social Distancing

Springtime in DC this year looks so different from years past. I never would have imagined that we would be writing about a pandemic that would cause me to be furloughed, and the world to be in quarantine. I keep asking myself ow is this real…

Life Now

The feeling here in DC, like much of the world, is quiet and paused. With so much closed, people working from home, and everyone staying in; the world seems eerily calm. Cherry blossoms and springtime seem to not know that people are having to create an isolating new normal. The outdoors called to us and my cabin fever gave in. Dustin and I took full advantage of the amazing weather this weekend to stretch our legs.

We did practice the 6 foot social distancing rule. As an introvert I never thought “social distancing” would be hard. But walking around our normal route with Kona, I was struck by how isolating it felt to try to dodge people instead of just passing by as normal. Avoidance feels very isolating, which I did not expect.

We walked our normal route through our neighborhood to the Capitol. The cherry blossoms are in full swing and Stanton Park in Northeast DC is a beautiful place to see them without the crowds of the Tidal Basin. See our post about the Cherry Blossom Festival from years past here.It is the new normal to find beauty in the simple things these days. It is the new normal to spend time with family. It is the new normal to count blessings when the future seems so uncertain.


I am so thankful for a roof over our head, food in the fridge, and so far our health. I know that we have been blessed and God has been good to us in the midst of this season. I am trying to live day to day in a thankful spirit.

I hope that in the midst of the craziness that is the quarantine of 2020, you are reconnecting with loved ones (praise the Lord for Facetime) and slowing down enough to appreciate the world around you. Stay in as much as possible, help where you can, and once this is over give someone a big hug.

We are hoping that this Springtime in DC will change from socially distant to one filled with adventures with others.


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