First Week In DC

Our physical move to DC is finally over. And I say finally, as it seemed to drag on for a while.  As thankful as we were for the lack of vehicle issues, or lack of broken items, our move was not without its own stress.  Dustin arrived 3 weeks ahead of us (myself and our dog, Kona).  Which was a good plan for me to able to finish out work, and finalize some things in Little Rock.  However,  Kona developed some separation anxiety after Dustin drove away with the Uhaul full of our stuff.  She immediately started whining and sniffing all the places our furniture should be, while visibly missing Dustin thinking he had abandoned us.  To be completely honest I thought it would all be fine once we arrived in DC, but we have a chewed up doorframe to prove that our once easy dog is now a version of Angela’s cat Sprinkles on the Office.  We will keep you posted on how that saga goes…

We have made some changes in our blog.  Our friends all know us to have our hashtag:  #letsdoawkwardtogether.  It has been our thing since I jumped on the Instagram bandwagon, and the name was on the short list for blog names when we started this.  Recently as we discussed using this blog more to share our adventures in the new city we live in, we decided that we should change it to match who we are.  New city, new blog name.

The first weekend after I arrived, Dustin and I chose to be tourists in our new home.  We started off with a light breakfast at Pluma by Bluebird Bakery.   A couple lattes, a ham & cheese croissant, and a slice  of quiche we were off to the National Mall.

Dustin showed me the basics of riding the metro since he is practically a pro.  Just kidding, but his tips were helpful for me to get started.  (For example: flashing lights on the train platform mean a train is coming, so run.) After living in Chicago for a couple years, riding the NYC trains and the trains in Paris, I have decided that the DC Metro is one of my favorites.  It is clean, well thought out, and most stations are pretty.

We went directly to the National Air and Space Museum which Dustin has been very interested to visit.  Immediately inside of the entrance is the model of the Enterprise used in the show or movies or something.  Either way, he geeked out since he loves Star Trek and immediately started to tell me about it.  It was super interesting to see planes, space craft, and other things.  I enjoyed it, but I would say Dustin enjoyed it more.  Although it is not everyday you get to touch a piece of the moon right?

We tried to visit some other things in the area, however, we forgot it was the Saturday around spring break so we were not alone.  We had to decide to do things another day, such as see the Declaration of Independence.  The lines were ridiculous and the revelation of us being able to come back another day was so refreshing.


After walking the National Mall, and seeing a few exhibits at the National Archives we went for a coffee before lunch…because we hadn’t had our late-morning coffee yet…duh.  Bakers & Baristas was on our way to the lunch spot I picked and had a little bit of time to kill before our reservation.  I totally forgot to take any pictures of the snack and coffee we got because the architecture in this place was so distractingly beautiful.  The architecture here is amazing and unlike anything I have been around.  While other people look at the sights, I am looking at the molding, iron work or stone work of a building.

We went to lunch at The Smith, which is one of my favorites from my NYC visits.  The food was awesome, but the day was cut short so we spent the rest of the afternoon at home/ grocery shopping.

We were so tired, as we do not have our city legs yet, so we were both glad to be home.  In my head I thought muscle memory for city legs still came back after 10 years.  My bad.  But overall we had a fun weekend seeing and eating our way randomly around.  I am excited to explore the neighborhoods and see what the city is about.




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